
Contest : Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club - IFSAK 4. International Photography Contest
The competition will be organized by Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club with the IFSAK( Istanbul Photopgraphy and Cinema Amateurs’ Club) and will be held with the support of the Turkish Photographic Art Federation (TFSF).
3. Categories:
Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club - IFSAK 4. International Photography Contest will be in 4 sections;
DIGITAL: OPEN (Monochrome)*
DIGITAL: NATURE (Monochrome & Color)***
DIGITAL: THEME “ Women’s Creation” (Color)
*Monochrome photographs must comply with FIAP definition of Monochrome.
**Nature photographs must comply with FIAP definition of Nature.
4. Definitions:
FIAP Definition of the black and white photography (monochrome):
A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black and white work toned entirely in a single color will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black and white category; such a work can be reproduced in black and white in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage. On the other hand, a black and white work modified by a partial toning or by the addition of one color becomes a color work (polychrome) to stand in the color category; such a work requires color reproduction in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage.
Definition of the FIAP Nature Photography
Nature photography records all branches of natural history except anthropology and archaeology. This includes all aspects of the physical world, both animate and inanimate, that have not been made or modified by humans. Nature images must convey the truth of the scene that was photographed. A well-informed person should be able to identify the subject of the image and be satisfied that it has been presented honestly and that no unethical practices have been used to control the subject or capture the image. Images that directly or indirectly show any human activity that threatens the life or welfare of a living organism are not allowed. The most important part of a Nature image is the nature story it tells. High technical standards are expected, and the image must look natural. Adding a vignette or blurring the background during processing is not allowed. Objects created by humans, and evidence of human activity, are allowed in Nature images only when they are a necessary part of the Nature story. Photographs of human-created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domesticated animals, humancreated hybrid animals and mounted or preserved zoological specimens are not allowed. Images taken with subjects under controlled conditions, such as zoos, are allowed. Controlling live subjects by chilling, anaesthetic or any other method of restricting natural movement for the purpose of a photograph is not allowed. No modification that changes the truth of a Nature image is allowed. Images may be cropped but no other technique that removes, adds or moves any part of the image is allowed. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise and lens flare are allowed. Complete conversion of colour images to greyscale monochrome is allowed. Partial conversion, toning and infrared captures or conversions are not allowed. Images of the same subject that are combined in camera or with software by focus stacking or exposure blending are allowed. Multiple images with overlapping fields of view that are taken consecutively and combined in camera or with software (image stitching) are allowed.
Definition of Women’s Creation category:
“Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women” is a quote by the founder of Modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, that he addresses to the women across the globe, in order to underline the emphasis he places on women and also the worth of women. Inspired by this quote, as we celebrate the 100th year of our republic, we wish to remind the women and their struggle these days. We expect; not only the photographs that shows the worth and work of women but also photographs that can tell the global community about all the difficulties caused by the the politics which support and build gender inequality and women’s fight against it across the globe.
In order to do that you can contact one of the 35000 Rotary clubs located in thousands of towns in the world and ask them to invite you to their community projects aimed at women. It is so easy to find them by a quick search on the internet. If/when possible, try and cover a Rotary logo/sign in your photo and always add the name of the Rotary Club in the name of the photo, which was giving the community service in the photo. Photos must be color only
5. Conditions of Entry:
IMAGES CREATED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CONTEST. It is reminded that all elements of the submitted works must be photographed by the copyright holder. Those who do not abide by this rule will be penalized by TFSF and FIAP for life.
The images that were awarded in the previous Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club-IFSAK international photography contests cannot enter the contest again.
Participation fee for the contest is mandatory.
The contest is welcome to all amateur and professional photographers all over the world, apart from the Jury, Salon Chair and their relatives.
Participants whose restriction decision is still ongoing, given by TFSF and FIAP, cannot participate in this contest. Before the jury is evaluated, the organizer will check the FIAP Red List and the TFSF Red List and identify the people who are on the restricted list and will go to elimination.
All participants can submit up to 4 (four) photographs for each category. The same image or color or B&W version of the same image cannot be submitted to more than 1 (one) category.
Participants are obliged to take all kinds of administrative and technical measures for the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data(KVKK). In this context, in the case of processing photographs of a real person, the persons must be informed within the scope of the Law and their explicit consent must be obtained in cases where their explicit consent is required. Taking photos of people who can be seen in the photos submitted to the competition and sending them to a competition; It is accepted that they allow the photograph to be published in visual, internet and printed media. Responsibility for photographs that are not transferred in accordance with the Law belongs to the participant.
The participant accepts, declares and undertakes that the photos uploaded for the competition belong entirely to him and that all permissions have been obtained. All kinds of interventions and changes that use images belonging to someone else as they are or partially, to present the artwork as its own even though it does not belong to it, and to mislead the evaluation board, are considered violations of the rules.
With the sole act of submitting his/her images or files to a salon under TFSF and FIAP Patronage, the entrant accepts without exception and with no objection that the submitted images can be investigated by TFSF and FIAP to establish if these obey to TFSF and FIAP regulations and definitions even if the entrant is not a member of TFSF and FIAP; that TFSF and FIAP will use any means at its disposal for this undertaking; that any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit the original files as captured by the camera, or failure to provide sufficient evidence, will be sanctioned by TFSF and FIAP and that in case of sanctions following the non-compliance with TFSF and FIAP regulations, the name of the entrant will be released in any form useful to inform the breaches of the rules.
It is recommended that the EXIF information (such as DPI, pixel information) of the photos uploaded to the competition system of the organizer be kept intact to facilitate possible investigations. Otherwise, the regulatory institution and the TFSF are not responsible for the problems that may occur in the system.
The organizer, may request high-resolution digital files of the photos that are awarded or accepted from the participant.
The organizer may decide to cancel or postpone all or part of the competition under conditions it deems appropriate. The regulatory body has the right to determine the methods and rules to be applied in cases of cancellation or postponement. The regulatory body is authorized to make all kinds of changes, including the rules of the specification, program changes, evaluation, and awarding, when deemed necessary, in the solution of problems and uncertainties, provided that it informs the TFSF Competitions Unit in writing at least one week before the deadline and obtains its consent. In this case, informing the FIAP Patronage service and getting approval will be done by the organizer.
6. Right Of Publication And Copyright (Use):
The right of publication, use and exhibition of the photographs that received awards (award, special award, honorable mention and acceptance) in the competition and for which the purchase was applied will belong to the organizer together with the owners of the work. The right to use the work cannot be sold/transferred to a third person or institution. These works will be kept in the archive of the organizer.
Participant; From the date of the conclusion of the contest, the photographs that are entitled to receive awards and acceptance must be processed as defined in Article 21 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, reproduction defined in Article 22, dissemination defined in Article 23, representation defined in Article 24 and 25. The financial rights of transmission to the public by means of the sign, sound and/or image transmission defined in the article, as well as in accordance with other relevant legislation, in the promotion of the regulatory institution in the internet, visual and written media channels without limitation of place and content, and in the publications of the name and the name of the work (In some instance like photo collage,graphics etc. the name of the author cannot be used). During this period, the right to use the works will belong to the organizers together with the owner of the work.
For the works used in this way, the owner of the work shall not revoke the right of use of the awards and exhibitions specified in this specification and shall not prevent the use of the work in the above manner, or that he or she has no further claims of rights and receivables from the regulatory institutions and sponsors for this permission/consent, and he/she irrevocably accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not make moral or monetary claims.
The participant accepts, declares and undertakes that the photographs he/she sends/uploads for the competition belong entirely to him, that they were taken by him and that all permissions have been obtained. All legal responsibility of copyright violations that may arise in case of using the images belonging to someone else as they are or partially belongs to the participant.
The Author (participant) declares, accepts and guarantees that the work is his own original work, that third parties do not have any rights on this work, that the rights on his work have not been transferred before, and that the owner of the work (participant) is legally responsible in case of a contrary request by third parties. it does.
It is accepted that permissions have been obtained to take photographs of elements such as architectural structures, works of art, human faces, which are used as objects in the photographs sent to the contest, to send them to a contest, and to publish the photograph on the Internet and in printed media. All responsibility for disputes that may arise due to such uses belongs to the participant.
Award-winning and accepted photographs will be published onwww.suadiyerotary.org/ and www.ifsak.org.tr / and TFSF's https://sonuc.tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/ addresses. In addition, it will be published in the social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) accounts of organizer and TFSF for promotional purposes and in accordance with the purpose of the competition. In addition, the awarded photographs will be used in TFSF publication E-Almanak 2024 and organizers’ publications, social media accounts, websites and as posters/ billboards/ rackets.
7. Other considerations:
The photographs will be presented to the jury in a completely darkened room, using a projector with Full HD/4K resolution on a screen with a diagonal length of minimum 1 m and maximum 2.5 m, or a minimum 42-inch Full HD/4K LCD monitor.
The organizer is as meticulous as possible in sending e-mails, awards and digital catalogues, but cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur during the delivery of the award and catalogue. Participants accept that the addresses they use during the contest application are the legal residence addresses that are the basis for any delivery to be made in this way. The organizer does not accept any responsibility for the issues arising from the incorrect reporting of addresses by the participants.
On the issues that are not addressed in the specifications, the decisions taken by the TFSF Board of Directors and the Organizing Committee shall be applicable together with the TFSF National/International Contest Regulatory Standards Directive “TÜRKİYE FOTOĞRAF SANATI FEDERASYONU ULUSAL / ULUSLARARASI FOTOĞRAF YARIŞMASI DÜZENLEME ANA YÖNERGESİ”.
This entry rules comes into effect when the participant sends his/her photographs to the competition. Participants do not have the right to object to the provisions of this entry rules afterwards.
8. Submital of Photographs:
In order to participate in the competition, the participants have to become a member by entering organizers web page http://www.photocompentries.net/?org=SRI or by redirecting them on TFSF web page https://tfsfonayliyarismalar.org/.
While participating in the web page, all participants must tick a box next to which the following text is stated:
“I hereby expressly agree to FIAP document 018/2017 « Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage » and FIAP document 033/2021« Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list ». I am particularly aware of chapter II « Regulations for International photographic events under FIAP patronage » of FIAP document 018/2017, dealing under Section II.2 and II.3 with the FIAP participation rules, the sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list.”
If you have any problem when upload\submit the Photos (over the Internet or user-induced errors occur in the system in the event) please contact and burcin.mecik.ifsak@gmail.com, addresses and the problem will be fixed as soon as possible. This address is only used if the photo upload problems experienced moments will occur. You must not send the photographs this e-mail. If you send your photos to this e-mail, we do not accept your entry.
Photographs are sent in digital form, as a picture file with JPEG format and photo size not lower than 1 Mb, greater than 4 Mb.
Photography naming is mandatory. Name of the file must be maximum 31 characters. English letters and underscore ( _ ) can be used. Turkish characters ı, ö, ü, ç, ğ, ş must not be used.
Photographs will be loaded online http://www.photocompentries.net/?org=SRI via using this web address.
TFSF will not be responsible for potential problems related to the uploading of the works.
Photographs containing Photographer’s name, mark, logo, date or signature will be rejected.
Entry rules comes into effect when the participant submits the photos for the contest. With the participation, the participants are deemed to have read and accepted the provisions of this rules. Participants do not have the right to object to these rules later. Participants cannot enter unless ticking the box which confirms that they read the terms of conditions.
9. Entry Fee:
The entry fee is mandatory for all participants and all 4 categories. The fee is 500 TL or 20€ or 20$.
The fee can be paid via PayPal, credit card or bank account.
PAYPAL: info@powerfulstep.com
CREDIT CARD: Those who wish to pay by credit card , they can pay through Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club’s web page https://suadiyerotary.org . While making the contest applications from http://www.photocompentries.net/?org=SRI , those who will be paying with a credit card, should click on the "Credit Card" button.
Bank Account: Euro Transfers:
IBAN: TR63 0006 7010 0000 0072 6105 45
Bank Name: Yapi Kredi Bank
US Dollar Transfers:
IBAN: TR14 0006 7010 0000 0072 0051 77 .
Bank Name: Yapi Kredi Bank
You can participate the contest by group-photography club or group members. Group discount %20 is available for group 5+ and for IFSAK members.
Payment must be done through https://www.suadiyerotary.org/ or http://www.photocompentries.net/?org=SRI
Participants who did not pay the fee would not be taken into consideration.
10. Calander :
Closing Date : 30.01.2024/ 23.59 (TSI)
Jury meeting : 10 Feb2024
Result announcement : 20 Feb2024
Exhibitions : 20 Mar 2024, the venue will be announced later.
Sending Awards : 15 April 2024.
11. Jury Members:
Tania Sisa, AFIAP IFSAK Vice President, Turkey
Agop Ezgilioğlu, EFIAP IFSAK Board Member, Turkey
Neşe Arı, EFIAP Member of ANAFOD, Turkey
Serkan Turaç, EFIAP/b Halikarnas BOFSAD Member, Turkey
Işın Akpınar Photoline Magazine, Photography Editor
Reserve Jury: Özhan Özde, AFIAP Turkey
(The jury meeting must be held with at least 3 members.)
For each section:
FIAP Gold Medal
TFSF Gold Medal
İFSAK Gold Medal
FIAP Silver Medal
TFSF Silver Medal
İFSAK Silver Medal
FIAP Bronze Medal
TFSF Bronze Medal
İFSAK Bronze Medal
FIAP Mention (6 pieces)
TFSF Mention (6 pieces)
İFSAK Mention (6 pieces)
1xFIAP Best Author (It will be awarded to the photographer who receives the most total acceptance + award in all sections.);
Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club Special Award: Hotel Club Phokaia Foca, Izmir, Turkey (www.mwphokaia.co) in June or September 2022 (except July and August). The hotel reservation should be made in at least one month in advance, depending on room availability during those months, 7 nights full board in standard room (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner included- drinks are not included). This award will be given to the winner as an invitation letter. Note: Other expenses related to transportation to the hotel will be covered by the participant who wins the accommodation award. For the accommodation date and room booking, the hotel must be contacted at least one month in advance. Accommodation must be used at once as consequtive days. The awards may only be used by the Participant who has won the prize. The participants cannot claim the monetary value instead of using the prize
Acceptance: maximum of 25%, per category
*** All award winners' awards will be sent to their addresses. organizers and TFSF will not be responsible if the sent awards are damaged in the mail.
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
What Does ROTARY Do?
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 35,000+ clubs work together for:
Areas of Focus:
Promoting peace
Fighting/preventing disease
Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
Saving mothers and children’s health
Supporting basic education and literacy
Growing local economies/small businesses
For more details, please visit www.rotary.org
14. Salon Chairmen/Contact:
Name and Surname : Burçin Meçik, IFSAK International Relations Coordinator
Phone :+90 (212) 292 42 01
Mail : burcin.mecik.ifsak@gmail.com
Name and Surname : Alev Mehmet Özgül, President of Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club
Mail : info@rotarysuadiye.org , alev@gurtoplar.com
Our Contest is approved by Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (TFSF) with the number of “TFSF 2024/010”, International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) with the number of FIAP 2024/072 and IFSAK 2024/001.
Award (Medal & Mention) and Acceptance points can be used during FIAP distinction application.