
Due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, we created funds with the donations of our spouses and relatives within the scope of the aid campaign initiated by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and we donated 70 boxes of foodstuffs to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality through Metro Grosmarket to be given to those in need.

Tunceli, Pülümür Dede Korkut Primary School Library Building repair works, making the library usable.

Creative Writing Workshop is one year education program for students of 6th class in primary school. Authors, graphic designers, publishers, editors teach their field and children learns techniques on becoming a creative writer. The program continued for 11 weeks teaching 31 students. 10 children's book authors are teaching students how to be a creative writer.

Due to the disabled week, we supported the 2420th District Handicapped Life Committee and donated 40 White Canes.

We held the first scholarship meeting of our term at Marmara Sailing Club on Sunday, September 15, 2019. Our meeting started after breakfast. 80 people including our scholarship students and club members attended the meeting.

Upon the call for sapling donation made by the TEMA Foundation within the scope of the work initiated by the General Directorate of Forestry for the afforestation of Izmir due to forest fires in Izmir and its surroundings, we supported with 200 sapling donations in order to increase environmental sustainability and awareness.

We donated 150 student school bag sets within the scope of the Rotary Project titled “No Children Without Bags”.

We have covered the cost of 1-week camp for 3 autistic students for the project aimed to give a chance to have training and vacation for individuals with autism, without the attendance of their families.

We sponsored the "I Read I'm Growing" project, which took place at Halide Edip Adıvar Primary School for the first graders. The number of students for the event was 215.

We replaced 17 units of iron doors that were dangerous for students of Gülsuyu Primary School with safe wooden doors with the brake system.

We changed the taps of Gülsuyu Primary School with smart taps and installed a filtration system.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we contributed to the purchase of a Field Type Portable Tomography device for the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Hospital.

We sponsored 2 disabled people to cover their expenses attending the concert held in Nemrut Mountain.

15 participants and 4 RYLA trainers attended the RYLA training held in Burgazada Teachers Center on October 12-13..

We collected blue PET bottle caps to support The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey's wheelchair purchasing project.

We attended the opening of ZİÇEV Mentally Disabled Children Education Foundation's Inhalation House.

We supported 10 visually impaired individuals by purchasing their tickets at the Three Musketeers Ballet staged with audio descriptions.

We donated 6 bookshelves, 7 tables, 7 chairs, and a library consisting of 1,000 books to Dede Korkut Primary School in Pülümür county of Tunceli province.

We covered the meal costs of 51 healthcare professionals for 4 days who couldn't go to their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and who were provided free accommodation by the Istanbul Sed Hotel

We donated 1000 face masks to Istanbul University Oncology Institute.

We donated 114 sacks and nearly 4 tons of materials needed in animal shelters such as old towels, bedding, bed linen, etc. to Ataşehir Municipality Animal Shelter, Özyeğin University Veterinary Medicine, Beylikdüzü Animal Shelter, Encander Disabled and Needy Animals Protection and Survival Association.